Wednesday 24 November 2010

WaterAid Bangladesh trip

Hi everyone! I've been lucky enough to be selected to join the WaterAid Supporters' Visit to Bangladesh, and so wanted to keep everyone updated on what I'm up to whilst I'm out there. WaterAid works in some of the world's poorest countries to solve the lack of access to clean water and effective sanitation. The aim is that by seeing WaterAid's work in action - meeting people who are faced with the daily reality of not having what we take for granted everyday - then on my return I'll be able to use this first hand experience to help people understand how key their donations are and what a difference their money makes. I only found out in September that I was going, but the time has come round really quick, and I can't believe that I fly on Saturday!

I've spent the last few weeks having lots of vaccinations - I felt a bit like a pin cushion at times! I've also met the rest of the team who I'm travelling with at a Briefing day, as there are eleven of us from different water companies and the Environment Agency, as well as some supporting staff from WaterAid. They were all lovely, and I think we'll work really well as a group, supporting each other through the experiences and emotions that we're going to go through.

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