Monday 5 March 2012

Stranded on a desert island: What would you do...?

Forget any Wilson branded volleyballs to talk to, nor are any Lord of the Flies style rules likely to help. Captain Jack Sparrows rum will only last you so long, and Gilligan’s marksmanship and amusement are definitely not necessary.

What you can’t live without is a survivors instinct, alongside a ruthless astuteness to escape.

Stranded on a desert island without a Yorkshire water saving pack is a situation that no one wants to end up in. With the chances of a rescue becoming increasingly remote, you are left with nothing except an aptitude to adapt, and a few basic items to keep you going.


  • One litre of Water

  • A Swiss army knife

  • A lighter

  • A Nylon sheet

  • A 10ft rope

The question is how would you use these few precious items to give you the best chance of surviving your ordeal?


  1. Candida Spillard Answered:

    This probably isn't going to be the best answer, but assuming there's no water stashed anywhere and my evening/night-time bonfire on the beach hasn't brought any rescuers ... if I could find a few heavy rocks and some means of digging a reasonably large hole in the sand near the shore where it's damp underneath (or just use my hands to dig), plus a container for collection (1/2 a coconut shell?) I'd try improvising a condensation pit.

    Some plants keep water inside but I couldn't be sure they weren't some kind of Euphorbea...I've seen what that does to my hands, I dread to think what it'd do if I were daft enough to drink it!

  2. Pete Douglas Answered:

    I would ring for an air drop of beer to be honest......
